The ARO Life

“ARO” /Ah-rOH/ Fresh, FULL OF LIFE

The ARO Life is a philosophy that strives to keep the Maldives in an “ARO” and “fresh” state.

The ARO Life is a philosophy that strives to keep the Maldives in an “ARO” and “fresh” state.

As an eco-conscious endeavor, the brand intends to steer the single-use plastic ban effort across the nation. The first initiative of this venture is the introduction of ARO premium water packaged in sustainable glass. The concept of ARO premium water, “Maldives in a bottle”, is interlinked to the ARO state we are endeavoring to achieve with this brand.

The ARO philosophy is a holistic approach, aimed to enrich lives and find sustainable growth - The Maldives’ eco system, its people, its stories. It is a platform for local brands and artists to get their talents promoted and for them to nurture their creative flair.

The ultimate outcome of ARO is to truly promote this destination as the symbol of beauty that it stands for. Fresh, full of life. The ARO Life.

Fen Building 5th Floor, Ameenee Magu
P.O.Box 2148, Male’, 20375
Republic of Maldives

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(+960) 7960022


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